The AiiMS’ Methodology

5 Tips or Secrets to “Whatever” is NOT the way you’re going to achieve your goals.

Our Methodology

Don’t fall for those “Get Rich Quick”, “5 Tips to be a billionaire in a day”. It takes time and effort to build the right marketing vehicle that will be sustainable.

If your expectations are that AiiMS knows the “Google Algorithm” or “cracked the secret code” we are sorry to burst your bubble.

We can provide you with the road-map but that road must be travelled by YOU! We will be with you the whole way guiding you.

Our unbelievably proven methodologies are only as good as business owner that executes it!
If you’re serious about your business, we will be serious with you

AiiMS - Trust the Process

Our trusted and proven process has been perfected with the successes and failures over the past 10 years. This does not mean our team rests on their laurels, we are always looking for the next way to improve and capture the next lead/sale more effectively.

AiiMS does NOT service the mass, we are a boutique agency that want to only work with like minded clients.

Our Aim is to Deliver You a Digital Marketing Program that can be:

Long Term
  • 1. Discover

    Let us truly discover your business.

    Let us find out where your strengths and weaknesses are. We will then be able to capitalize on your opportunities and mitigate your threats.

    All businesses have different aspirations, goals and desires. This is why we believe one size doesn’t fit all. However, our process fits all!

    When trying to extract your unique selling point (USP) we need to understand your business in its entirety. Every piece of information is important and useful to our digital craftsmen.

  • 2. Plan

    Let us put your business in a position to succeed.

    A critical stage for success is the planning and crafting of your marketing strategy. We prefer to waste as little of your money as possible to the line item “Trial & Error”. We need to get your marketing making noise in your market. We can only do this with a client that is willing to help us get there.

    “It is not the strongest or the most intelligent who will survive but those who can best manage change.”

    Some of our suggestions will get you out of your comfort zone. This is necessary to help us put you in a position to win.

  • 3. Execute

    Execution and Launch mode!!

    Allow our Client Experience Managers travel the journey with you. Trust their experience

    At this stage YOU must understand that we will hold YOU as accountable as you will hold US. This relationship will only work when we are all striving to achieve your goals.

    Our GO-TO-MARKET plan requires sensitive adjustments that need to be measured and assessed before we apply. The initial stages of the launch are usually where irrational, knee-jerk reactions are made that sets us back.

  • 4. Optimise

    Diagnose correctly!!

    Perspective is everything at this stage. “The World Changes When We Change Our Perspective” Your campaign performance requires product specialists to diagnose the issue accurately. Making changes on assumptions and poor feedback has always been detrimental to the future of your campaigns.
    We have a simple mindset to this:

    If your self-medicating method doesn’t work and you go to the doctors, will you trust his diagnosis, or will you go back to your self-medicating method?

    Trust the process!

Relationships are about trust. If you have to play detective, then it’s time to move on
Trust is Key
Trust our process
as we know it works!
Get my business started